Alison Haitana

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics is compiled by Alison Haitana that encompasses all the programs and offerings contained within the Alchemical Rainbow group.

This code of ethics applies to the work I undertake as a Healer-Shaman Practitioner, Intentional Creativity Teacher & Intuitive Trainer.

I am committed to providing the highest level of sacred service in an unregulated industry. My ethical principles are the values & standards that I hold myself accountable to and are the foundational pillars of my business. I will, at all times, maintain ethical standards including but not limited to those detailed below.

Scope of Practice

I am a certified Healer-Shaman Practitioner & Intentional Creativity Teacher. This Code of Ethics covers my work according to this Scope of Practice.  

What does a Healer-Shaman Practitioner do?

A shaman is a spirit walker who walks between the worlds and is ready to play an active and dynamic role in the restoration of harmony and balance to all people, places and things.

A Shamanic Practitioner undertakes a sacred commitment to maintain the balance and order within themselves, others and the world. They do this by confronting their fears and restoring right relationship into the world. By following their true path, the shamans of the world are able to guide and lead others out of the darkness and into the light.

What does an Intentional Creativity Teacher do?

Intentional Creativity is an approach to creating with mindfulness, that yields greater access to who we are now and who we are becoming, and what is possible for us and our unfolding future. Ultimately, it is a tool for personal transformation via working out our fears and stories with a brush and canvas.

An intentional Creativity Teacher using a structured 13 step methodology to lead a Beloved from blank canvas through a transpersonal journey into completing a completed image of an archetype of their transformation.


I am committed to, and will endeavour to uphold the following values;


I commit to always being honest & true to myself. Ensuring that my word is impeccable and the actions I take are congruent with my beliefs and values.

I commit to a co-creative relationship with my Clients and will be fully present, listen deeply and honour our time together in this alchemical vessel that we create.

I honour my vulnerability & capacity to go deep into the work so I can serve my Beloveds in the highest service possible.


I am committed to maintaining the highest integrity & standards of my profession as a Shamanic Practitioner, Intentional Creativity Teacher & Trainee Intuitive Trainer.

I vow to be honest and consistent in adhering to my strong morals, ethics & values with myself, clients & the community.

Service before self

As a metaphysical practitioner, my role is to hold the highest vibration possible in service to my Beloveds to support awareness, transformation & transmutation of the self.

I vow to act in the highest interest of my Clients at all times in sacred service.

I will not serve for my own personal gain, whether financial, material or otherwise.

Personal & Professional Development

I commit to a standard of excellence and devote time every day to my own personal, professional or spiritual development that includes self-reflection and meeting my fear.

I commit to continual learning to grow and expand on a personal and professional level.

I commit to a regular self-evaluation process with a mentor, guide, coach or teacher for my personal, professional and spiritual growth and expansion.


As a multiracial & indigenous woman I have lived ‘on the fringes.’ I welcome you into my space as you are and uphold the sacred space of belonging. There is never an exclusion in any of my work/programs based on race, racial identification, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or able-ness.

As part of my commitment to inclusivity. I will offer financially accessible pricing that includes, tiered rates and scholarships.

Responsibility to Earth & Humanity

I will honour Papatuanuku (Gaia, Mother Earth) & all her kin that reside on her. We are inherently interconnected and I uphold those relationships with fierce reverence. These relationships include but are not limited to Waterways, Mountains, Flora, Fauna and Kin.

I will confirm to legislation that covers my business from a regulatory, financial, privacy, anti-discrimination & information disclosure perspective.

I will not make any false, misleading or deceptive statements about what a client will receive from me. I will not misrepresent my credentials.

Responsibility to Client

The welfare of my Client is my highest priority. This includes respecting their unique journey and physical/emotional/mental/state. Ensuring that the relationship is collaborative and there is no abuse of that relationship via words, actions, power dynamics or boundaries.

I use discernment in choosing who I work with and what tools & practices I will use in sessions.

Client consent is explicit and given and will never be assumed or implied. This includes using feedback for promotion/messaging without prior knowledge or consent. At any stage of our journey together the client can withdraw their consent.  

I commit to clear, upfront & timely communication with my clients at all times. From initial contact & agreements, to the appropriate pre-preparation for sessions, through to follow-up and integration. This ensures that the client can exercise choice and is empowered throughout our journey together and can be self-accountable to the process.

I will maintain client confidentiality at all times. I ensure that no client information is shared without the client’s explicit consent or as required by law. I ensure that my client records are stored securely and disposed of properly and in accordance with the law.

I will seek to maintain a reasonable workload by spacing out appointments appropriately and limiting the number of clients that is reasonable.

I will avoid entering into relationships where there is a conflict of interest. I will also exercise full disclosure of any affiliation programs that I am a part of where I can receive payment for referral of clients.

If applicable, I will refer any client to seek assistance from a medical professional or psychologist for any issue or challenge that is outside my scope of practice or expertise.

I will ensure that all fee structure, cancellation policies, relevant and pertinent information is clearly displayed for the clients, so they can understand how I work and the obligations that we have to each other.

Cancellation Policy

Appointments may be rescheduled by the client up to 24hrs prior to the appointment. After this time, they can not be rescheduled and the following applies;

  • A full refund applies for any appointment cancelled with 24hrs notice.
  • Appointments cancelled with less than 24hrs notice will not be refunded.

Responsibility to Self

I am committed to the highest form of embodied sacred service as Anthropas (Human & Divine)

I honour my teaching lineage and commit to integrity & excellence in contributing to the field of intuitive sciences and metaphysics.

I will take care of my multi-faceted & multi-dimensional holistic being by tending and nurturing my mental, physical, emotional, spiritual & energetic health. I will vow to meet my fear daily, so I can be the demonstration to my clients.

I honour my cycles of creativity and encode into my day, rest & reflection as part of self-care.

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